diary of kim noorda

Under året som gått(Jan2009-Jan2010) blev modellen Kim Noorda tillfrågad av Vogue att skriva en dagbok för deras "Shape Issue" om hennes viktproblem. Nu finns dagboken ute på internet och jag har läst igenom det mesta och sådant här gör mig så ledsen. Ur Kim Noorda's dagbok:

Not a single person has told me that I have gained weight since the start of the shows. Not during the castings, and not even my European agent has said anything. Everything fit. This confused me, because I thought people could see every gram. Then again, no one has said that I look good, either, or commented on my appearance otherwise. When I started looking at pictures from the first show, there were still some things I disliked. My legs and cheeks have become fatter. I really need to do something about that. Exercises. On the Internet there are no positive reactions to how I looked...


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